(Update: Qualcomm responds) Qualcomm getting sued by Apple for $1 billion

Update: Qualcomm has officially responded to Apple’s accusation, rejecting it and claiming Apple has “intentionally mischaracterized our agreements and negotiations” and adding that “Apple has been actively encouraging regulatory attacks on Qualcomm’s business in various jurisdictions around the world”. Get your popcorn kids, we might just have a new Google vs Oracle cat fight on our hands. 

This article originally appeared on our sister site, Tab Times

Apple is engaging in a new patent royalty war against mobile chip maker Qualcomm. In a newly filed lawsuit, Apple claims that Qualcomm charges the company for patents that “they have nothing to do with” and even says Qualcomm has tried to withhold payments it is supposed to make to Apple.

See also:

Qualcomm charged by US government with anti-competitive practices

4 days ago

According to a statement sent by Apple to media outlets, this lawsuit claims Qualcomm collects money “for no reason” on features that Apple launched, “such as TouchID, advanced displays, and cameras, to name just a few.” Apple claims Qualcomm’s use of what Apple calls “older, legacy, standards” as the basis for its patents and royalties has caused Apple to get hit with “at least five times more in payments than all the other cellular patent licensors we have agreements with combined.”

Furthermore, when Apple decided to work with government law enforcement agencies in their own investigations of Qualcomm, Apple claims Qualcomm decided to withhold nearly $1 billion in payments to the company. Apple is now seeking about $1 billion in damages.

Earlier this week, Qualcomm got hit with charges by the US Federal Trade Commission, claiming the company has been engaging in anti-competitive practices surrounding its baseband processor products. Qualcomm has denied the FTC charges but as of this writing it has yet to respond to Apple’s lawsuit.

By | 2017-01-22T04:00:08+00:00 January 22nd, 2017|Android Related, Just the Tablets|0 Comments

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Vancouver, Canada

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