This tool keeps track of all your online subscriptions for 96 percent off

If you use the Internet in any way, it’s likely that you are signed up for at least a few, and maybe more than a few, paid online subscription services. You could be signed up for a streaming video service like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime or something similar. You might have signed up for gaming services like Xbox Live or an MMO like World of Warcraft. Music fans might have paid for premium services on Spotify or Apple Music. You may have even pay for work-based services, such as expanding your cloud storage space with a Dropbox subscription.

You can quickly find yourself becoming overwhelmed with keeping track of all of your online subscriptions, along with worries about how to pay for all of them (let’s face it; most of us have limited bank accounts). Thankfully, there is a tool made especially for keeping you informed of all of your subscription payments. It’s called, naturally, TrackMySubs, and we are offering you a way to use it for life for just $14.99. That’s a 96 percent price cut from its normal $480.

TrackMySubs allows you to keep track of up to 50 of your online subscriptions, and the tool will send you alerts on when each of them are supposed to be paid (3 alerts per subscription). The tool also catagorize each subscription in the tool, so you know which ones are for fun and which ones are for business use (always handy during tax time). It will manage up to six different payment types, and if your friend is co-paying some of your online subscriptions, he or she can also be sent alerts when their payments are due.

You can also monitor any upcoming payments with the Calendar function, and even remind yourself why you signed up for them with Notes. TrackMySubs can ultimately save you money in the long run, while also keeping you informed on all the services you have signed up for on the Internet.

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By | 2017-12-29T16:04:32+00:00 December 29th, 2017|Android Related, Deals|Comments Off on This tool keeps track of all your online subscriptions for 96 percent off

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Vancouver, Canada