Google quietly killed its Android tablet web page (update: it’s back)

Next time you visit Google’s official Android website, you might notice a tiny but important change. The tablet section, which used to occupy the space between “wear” and “TV” in the menu, no longer exists (*it’s back now — please see the update below). Google has quietly pulled down the page that used to highlight tablet-specific apps, as well as a handful of prominent models, like the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. Android Police noticed the missing section on June 1st and pointed out that it still existed the day before — the website’s snapshot for May 31st on Internet Archive clearly shows that the tablet page is still there.

Source: Android Police

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By | 2018-07-01T00:04:30+00:00 July 1st, 2018|Android Related, Just the Tablets|Comments Off on Google quietly killed its Android tablet web page (update: it’s back)

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Vancouver, Canada